Monday, September 7, 2009

It's really not easy for an average teenage girl to deal with daily crisis.

referring to post title; And it's not like it's getting any easier either. Yet they make it look so fairytaleish on TV. Never trust any shows besides a reality show. But some stars in certain reality shows are faking anyway. You can watch them but never expect your life to end up that way like the last episode where you cry of happiness because everything was fixed and everyone loves each other and all the villains die or become good. Well, there are a certain few lucky people out there who got to experienced these kinda fairytales even in real life. They're the lucky ones. I kinda believe you can have that same fairytale ending if you work for it. No pain, no gain. 

camwhoring in the car while waiting for my mom and my aunt to buy their needed stuffs from pasar malam.

Lol okeh so like, the last post was saved as draft because i thought i was bragging. it's not nice to brag. though sometimes it's necessary HEHE * slapped *
I think i'll be going on a hiatus soon. since i promised mommy that i'll be an angel. [ just gimme 2 days and i'll be all over the laptop again ] kidding :D

anyway, i need to study for the finals. need to get into either U.A.M class next year very badly. i'm still looking for a science tuition.
the internet connection is running really slow. that's one of the reasons i don't feel like using the laptop. since my computer is still dead - yes can you believe my brother still hasn't brought it for repair yet - internet wasn't so convenient anymore.
and i can't load videos or do anything that will cause my brother's game to lag so i can't simply visit random blogshops like i usually do. as long as he's at home, i can't load pages that load real slow and makes the computer all laggy. 

i've decided to hit the books. i feel like it, how weird wtf. let it be novels or exercise books, i don't think i'll be updating much for the next three weeks. mom gave me an idea on how to study in a larger space since my study table is really small and the space is humid. it's by moving in the squareshaped table and putting it in my room. i can use it whenever i need to and then close it back. sure it'll take up some space but as long as i keep my room clean, it's okay i guess. i need an office chair :D  

i could wait for another study table as long as i have a table big enough for me to study and it's in my room. besides, i can go to the school library in the mornings. one thing good about afternoon section is that when you're having an exam, you can study before the paper on the same day. so that you can remember everything on the same day. i tend to forget things after i wake up. i'm really excited for the mooncake festival. okay my brother is singing You Raise Me Up in a very... weird tone. and i thought it was my dad. my mom scolded him because he bothered her while she was watching E! News. wow, is it just me or is today a very funny and happy day? :D

my mom just told me i need to buy a new pair of school socks because my old ones have a hole on it. wonder how i created that hole. 
i saw a very nice notebook in Sunway Pyramid's Popular today and wanted to buy it when my mom told me about how much am i using her money instead of mine. as you could see, i'm pretty much broke. i'm just waiting for my next monthly allowance so that i can buy L.A Candy, Twilight Saga Official Guide and BLG's Love Drunk album. and maybe GD's Heartbreaker album. hey, most his songs are awesome. not to mention Twilight Saga Journals. ugh, i have to many things in my wish list. and i was supposed to be saving up money for a new pair of Nike Kicks and a new pair of flats.

i want a studded black vest omg. i wanna go shopping one day this month :D damn, i want more pretty notebooks wtfuh. i have this fetish for them. but i'm sure millions okay maybe not millions but maybe hundreds of others who have fetish for pretty notebooks. i want the notebook i saw in Popular today D: maybe i'll got get it this weekend. it's not like i'm not gonna use the notebooks after i buy it. like i did to all the other notebooks i bought in the past. no, i won't (:  notebooks are for notes so i'm gonna fill them with words. random, important or whatever. my parents' anniversary is tomorrow, QQ and her dar's anniversary is today. after tomorrow, it's Martin's birthday <333

i. srsly. can't. wait. for. 101009 <333
i type lessthanthree to much O_O i really wish Su Wen can gooo! so i could see her rock out like nobodeh's business LOL okay, so like these days i replace ky with keh. like; Nicky = Nickeh, Okay = okeh, nobody = nobodeh. it sounds cute to me HAHA i'm weird, i know.
i discovered that i'm weird and random and creepy when i found myself skipping around and singing Umbrella out loud to everyone's face in primary school. i'd go, " Under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh, eh, under my umbrella, ella, ella, eh, eh.. " while pointing at them and sorta-dance in front of them and people would frown at me and walk away. apparently, they didn't much time to actually laugh at me or join me. 

yes i was that lame in primary school and i'm often the dumbest and the slowest when playing Uno or any other card game. or even Monopoly/Saidina. i forget the rules and get confused with the money and the amount of steps we have to take. sigh, guess i'll stop my ranting now and go take a bath then sleep. i have duty and PSV tomorrow. paint brushes, art block and paint. goodnight :D

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